Mission Statement Mission of Unda Tha Stairs is to provide opportunities to students that’s interested in multimedia technology. We wish to improve the knowledge of the students that may not have the resources or outlets to learn multimedia technology. We believe in this viral and forever changing society that we can increase our knowledge in the multimedia field. With the improving abilities in the field we can assure growth and job opportunities for students willing to pursue this field. Not only limited to the internet we know that the source is information. This comes from you, us that can ultimately get our information out through (video, music, blogs, spoken word, or etc.) The information highway(internet) is not going away and we need to keep up with the technology. Our main goal is teach our youth this vast technology so they can go out and create opportunities for themselves in this field. Unda Tha Stairs in dedicated to increase knowledge to our youth. With our Radio and Engineering Recording Program we plan to make this happen.” - Steve smith
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